
Internet security threat updates and insights.
Webroot Blog
  1. From 2018 to 2023, healthcare data breaches have increased by 93 percent. And ransomware attacks have grown by 278 percent over the same period. Healthcare organizations can’t afford to let preventable breaches slip by. Globally, the average cost of a healthcare data breach has reached $10.93 million. The situation for healthcare organizations may seem bleak. […]

    The post 3 healthcare organizations that are building cyber resilience appeared first on Webroot Blog.

  2. Ransomware attacks are targeting healthcare organizations more frequently. The number of costly cyberattacks on US hospitals has doubled. So how do you prevent these attacks? Keep reading to learn five ways you can strengthen security at your organization. But first, let’s find out what’s at stake. Why healthcare needs better cybersecurity Healthcare organizations are especially […]

    The post 5 ways to strengthen healthcare cybersecurity appeared first on Webroot Blog.

  3. Mark your calendars for April 9, 2024 The second Tuesday of April marks Identity Management Day — a day dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of safeguarding your digital identity. But what exactly is identity management, and why do we need a whole day for it? In a world where our lives are increasingly […]

    The post <strong>Protecting Your Digital Identity: Celebrating Identity Management Day</strong> appeared first on Webroot Blog.

  4. Brute force attacks illustrate how persistence can pay off. Unfortunately, in this context, it’s for bad actors. Let’s dive into the mechanics of brute force attacks, unraveling their methodology, and focusing on their application. Whether it’s Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), or direct finance theft, brute force attacks are a prime tactic in the current cybersecurity […]

    The post Understanding Brute Force Attacks: The Persistent Threat in Cybersecurity appeared first on Webroot Blog.

  5. Let’s delve into the fascinating world of Artificial intelligence (AI), unpacking its concepts, implications, and real-world applications. Brace yourself for an extended journey through the marvels and challenges of artificial intelligence. Part 1: Unleashing marvels in our digital lives Generative AI and chatbots AI has transcended its sci-fi origins to become an integral part of […]

    The post The Marvels and Challenges of AI appeared first on Webroot Blog.

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  • Was sind die Folgen von immer mehr Identitäten?
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  • Gefährdungslage und regulatorisches Rahmenwerk
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  • Wichtige Tipps für den nächsten IT-Notfall
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  • Edgeless Systems stellt Continuum vor
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  • Die wahren Kosten von Betrug in Deutschland
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